-K A T A D I K Á S T I K E- (eng)


"Aren't you tired of complying? Of playing nice and smiling while they kick your face into the mud? Don't you just want to snap?"

 Katadikástike (Kástike for  short) is a demon, therefore being part of a branch of lesser fears known as the fear of God or religion. The distinction between Lesser Fears and Higher Fears is that the latter are -to an unknown extent- immortal and unable to reproduce, while the former are mortal and usually form families or clans with each other. 

There are more and less privileged kinds of lesser fears, though demons stay at the bottom of this social pyramid. 

As such, demons are separated from their parents from birth. They are taught since infancy what their place in society is: none. Only to be the work force through which the State furthers its development. Every demon has their ears pierced with heavy hoops that have been magically manipulated to dissuade any feeling of individuality; that is to say, these hoops are a way of showcasing that they are property of the State. A tool that forces loyalty from the demons to the State. 

Although most of the demons are slaves, some of them are lucky enough to be employed as servants by wealthier clans or families. The fact remains, though, that every demon is property of the State and has no actual rights. 

Kástike is employed in construction, mining, and the transport of materials. This leaves little room for personal endeavors, but it doesn't stop him from finding ways to escape momentarily from the asphyxiating grasp of the regime. It is in these brief escapades that, talking with the Ancient Elders, stories of a better time reach his ears. The mere concept of different ways to live is so strange, so intriguing to him, that he decides to keep asking and researching in order to know the reason for everything. 

This initial fervient curiosity, however, developed to fiery rage when he realized what all those stories meant; that he had been deceived, that his kind had been endlessly manipulated to think of themselves as worthless, as creatures without a purpose in life other than to serve the powerful. 

Slowly but surely, although people from his environment like Ikal try to dissuade him in order to not make things worse, Kástike is blinded by fury and decidedly set on leading another revolution. 

How this is fated to end is still unknown to everyone. The Realm awaits. 


  1. Whatever their faults, they don’t deserve to live such miserable lifes. The State tampered with the Realm’s history, “but sometimes before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest…” It was not.

    1. Exactly, and that's one of the problems of this regime; there was no "transition" period whatsoever, no actual "before and after"; before anyone knew it, they were part of a machine that they did not consent to be a part of. And what are those without options left to do? Strive to survive an existence that was created against them.


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