-K A T A S T R O F E A S- (ENG)

 "Destroy until you forget its original shape!"

Katastrofeas is the embodiment of Chaos and Destruction in itself. As such she represents the fear of life's unpredictability, in a way. She is Valeska's  right hand and the head of the military forces of the Realm.

Always an entity that only cared for entertainment and her own benefit, it is no surprise that she took Valeska's side in the First Revolution, as theirs was the side that let her destroy and ravage everything she desired and she knew she'd come out on top. 
Katastrofeas has no clear moral compass and has been proven to switch positions in function of her interests and, mostly, out of boredom. 

Many millenia ago, her relationship with Death wasn't quite hostile, but it wasn't cordial either; their personalities were quite the oposite, but existence carried on in an unofficial non-aggression pact. Back then not angering Death granted Katastrofeas a modest set of liberties; as long as the Grim Reaper didn't uncover her doings everything was fair game, if a tad boring at times. That's very likely the main reason why she turned to Valeska when they appeared and took the people by force. She enjoys misery and reckless violence, and a regime that lets her hurt others under the guise of "keeping order" is simply her dream come true. 

She was the one to kidnap and arrest Xejasmos, obviously, and "guarding" him was her favorite past-time until he stopped responding and it quickly became boring, leaving him to the rest of the guards. Nowadays she is feared immensely among the people of the Realm. The rest of the military forces and figures follow her example, recreating her cruelty and ruthlessness. 

Katastrofeas is incredibly powerful and what is worse; she is well aware of this fact. Although in theory she should not be able to hang around the people of the Realm, she spends most of her time generating misfortune from the shadows. There are no responsibilities in her mind, although if conflict were to arise she'd reluctantly continue with her obligations as the head of the military forces. 

Thus, if a new Revolution were to take place, her stance would absolutely be decisive in its result; however it is highly unlikely that she'll switch positions, as peace seems incredibly tedious to her.


  1. Once, Katastrofeas got tired of keeping her appalling atrocities secret, so she went straight to Valeska. Of course, Valeska granted her permission to commit such despicable crimes and, well, that set her off. If nothing else, Katastrofeas is plainly heinous, wicked, feeling such delight at the suffering.

    1. Indeed, she truly embodies how the Realm is extremely dangrous to those who live under its rule. Sometimes it's not so much about how Valeska is an oppresive dictator but about how Katastrofeas works to keep them in power and exerting that oppresion. Thanks for reading me!


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